Shifting Paradigms: Bringing Transdisciplinarity into the Light

  • Sue L. T. McGregor
Keywords: paradigm shifts; transdisciplinary thinking; mono, multi- and interdisciplinarity; transdisciplinary orientation


Addressing complex societal problems requires the collaboration of diverse academic and non-academic partners ideally through transdisciplinarity. Most academic faculty members are couched in their disciplinary mind set with more recent transitions to multi- and interdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinary thinking is the new kid on the block. Switching through mono, multi, and inter to transdisciplinarity will require a paradigm shift. Each is discussed in this paper, so people can more readily find themselves, clarify the nature of their work, and appreciate the magnitude of change required if they shift paradigms. The paper then (a) identifies traits of a transdisciplinary individual who can employ a transdisciplinary orientation, (b) addresses paradigm shifts at the collective and individual levels, (c) discusses how to deal with natural resistance to losing one’s familiar way of thinking and (d) concludes with touchstones and safety-nets that encourage people to take the leap of faith required to embrace transdisciplinarity.

How to Cite
McGregor, S. L. T. (2023). Shifting Paradigms: Bringing Transdisciplinarity into the Light . Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 14.