“Homeland Security” at Home

  • R. O. “Bob” Stroud Raytheon Company, Dallas, Texas, USA
Keywords: Homeland security, system engineering, surveillance


Homeland Security began at the national level in the United States after the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. The concept can be extended to the very basic level of protecting literal homesteads. This paper explores the application of Systems of System concepts developed by the United States’ Department of Defense (DoD) to the problem of homestead defense at the homestead level. It outlines the problem, the applications of the DoD concept, the selected solution, and the results and recommendations.

How to Cite
Stroud, R. O. “Bob”. (2015). “Homeland Security” at Home. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 6. https://doi.org/10.22545/2015/0128