Qualitative Marketing Research, Neurosciences, and Transdisciplinarity

  • Georges Guelfand 10 rue du docteur Lancereaux 75008 Paris, France
Keywords: Neurosciences, transdisciplinarity, qualitative research


Qualitative studies often refer to the notion of the inconscious and neurosciences reveal to us the existence of a neuronal inconscious. But inconscious is not only neuronal, and the qualitative method does not offer ways to measure the mental reactions in individuals. In qualitative, we decipher the incounscious conditioned by our social, historical, and cultural environnementmake; we read how the consumer projects himself onto the objects of the world; we tap into creative imagination; we can pull everything apart and reconstruct it; and we take part in the strategic objectives of a brand.  For example, to construct a Brand strategy, we have to think differently; to break the beliefs; to think in a contradictory way. Qualitative is about going beyond the concrete facts and the measurements, which allows to think out of the box; it is about control and emerging meaning. In a world increasingly saturated with objective information, qualitative has a symbolic  function that helps overcome the deadlocks of rationality. Qualitative is a transdisciplinary discipline.

How to Cite
Guelfand, G. (2015). Qualitative Marketing Research, Neurosciences, and Transdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 6. https://doi.org/10.22545/2015/0127