Deriving Manageable Transdisciplinary Research Models for Complicated Problematics Associated with Next-Generation Cyber-Physical Systems: Part 1 - Theoretical and Methodological Foundation
There are many large-scale, transdisciplinary research problematics associated with next-generation cyber-physical systems, which are difficult to capture, analyze, and transfer into sharable research models. This two-part paper is intended to contribute to a better understanding and to provide a systematic approach to describing, scoping, and specifying manageable contents for transdisciplinary research models. Part 1 of the paper analyzes the essence and the interplays of the most important current trends, and creates a robust theoretical and methodological foundation for capturing and scoping research problematics associated with the evolving paradigm of cyber-physical systems. The elaboration and deployment of the proposed approach are discussed in detail in Part 2. Besides the overall procedural framework of the proposed holistic systematic combinational breakdown, all steps are explained and exemplified in an illustrative real-life example. The discussion in both Parts concludes with a number of propositions and further research opportunities concerning the theoretical and methodological foundations.