System of Systems Analyses of RTI International Metals’ Boeing 787 Seat Rail Supply Chain

  • Adam Stroud RTI International Metals Inc., Extrusion Division, Houston, TX, USA
Keywords: System of systems, manufacturing network, complexity, risk management, systems engineering methodology


Systems engineering provides tools to effectively develop intricate systems as well as systems composed of systems. The use of systems engineering is becoming increasingly prevalent due to the methods ability to handle the increasing complexity of systems in modern society.  Among these systems are today’s global manufacturing networks, driven by recent trends in globalization. This work evaluates the development of a complex manufacturing network in comparison to principles of systems engineering to highlight areas that could have improved from the systems engineering methodology.

How to Cite
Stroud, A. (2014). System of Systems Analyses of RTI International Metals’ Boeing 787 Seat Rail Supply Chain. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 5.