Cybersemiotic Systemic and Semiotical Based Transdisciplinarity

  • SØren Brier Dept. of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Keywords: Cybersemiotics, Transdisciplinary models, Luhmann’s system theory, info-computationalism, Peircean triadic semiotics


A transdisciplinary theory of cognition and communication based on the process self-organizing and autopoietic system theory of Niklas Luhmann integrated with a triadic semiotic paradigm of experience and interpretation with phenomenological and hermeneutical aspects of C.S. Peirce, goes beyond info-computationalism in  its  integrating of phenomenological and  hermeneutical  aspects of Peircean semiotic logic with a cybernetic and autopoietic systemic emergentist process view. This makes the emergence of mind and transdisciplinary view of sciences possible.

How to Cite
Brier, S. (2019). Cybersemiotic Systemic and Semiotical Based Transdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 10.