Towards a Framework for Transdisciplinary Problem Solving

  • Raymond T. Yeh, Ph.D Senior Research Fellow, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA
Keywords: Framework for transdisciplinary problem solving, complex issues, consciousness, inner transcendence


We live in trying times because of the rapid convergence of technologies such as artificial intelligence, brain-like computer chips, bio-engineering, intelligent pharmacology. At the same time, we live with complex societal problems related to issues including global warming, hunger, and aging. The collision of these factors means that we face many serious ethical issues in our daily lives, which often leads to a myopic and self-centered view of the world. Indeed, as we struggle to balance our own dreams and needs, we often forget that we are members of the whole. This article is an attempt to use a transdisciplinary approach to tackle the complex issues in our world by seeking a methodological framework that uses the best aspects from multiple disciplines. The desired end result is a solution that can bridge the profound (higher consciousness) and the practical (innovation) in a way that empowers us to direct our lives in ways that will honor the whole.

How to Cite
Yeh, Ph.D, R. T. (2019). Towards a Framework for Transdisciplinary Problem Solving. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 10.